Registration Information
Prior to enrollment, your child must be placed into the program. This program does not take enrollment without prior placement or approval.
Season Duration: 9/15 - 12/19
Both In Person & Remote Learning Options are available for ALL students. Flexible scheduling allows for students to make their choice between either option each week.
Class sizes are limited, as always, to ensure better learning and safety. See our COVID-19 PLAN or email pmthouseofdance@aol.com for more information.
how To enroll:
Register via Venmo: Send payment to @pmtdancestudio
Register By Phone: Call 212-924-5694 to enroll
A Registration Form will be provided with your payment confirmation.
The total tuition is due before the start of each session. All checks must be made out to PMT Dance Studio.
All Enrollment Options include 2-4 free drop in classes per week from PMT’s Weekly Schedule.
Regular Price:
Full Enrollment (2 days a week): $1176.50
Installment Plan: $320.00 *
Single Day a Week Plan: $675.00 **
* Payments made in four (4) installments as follows: by 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4/1. This installment plan is for the Full Enrollment option, only.
** Single Day option may not include performances where the Saturday class is a pre-requisite.
Single Day Plan Includes 2 FREE drop in class per week at PMT - Full Enrollment includes 4 free drop-in classes a week! Visit www.pmthouseofdance.com for the full schedule of available classes.
Loyalty Rewards Eligible:**
Full Enrollment with Loyalty Rewards: $1000.00
Installment Plan with Loyalty Rewards: $270.00*
Single Day a Week with Loyalty Rewards: $575.00
* Payments made in four (4) installments as follows: 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, 12/1.
**Must have enrolled in a FULL SEASON of a PMT Youth Program within the last 3 performance seasons (Spring, Summer or Fall) to qualify for the Loyalty Discount.
Single Day Plan Includes 2 FREE drop in class per week at PMT - Full Enrollment includes 4 free drop-in classes a week! Visit www.pmthouseofdance.com for the full schedule of available classes.
All options include extra sessions and performances provided the student meets the requirements for participation.
Tickets & costuming for the shows are sold separately and are NOT included in tuition.
There is NO tuition refund unless class is cancelled by PMT Dance Studio. All registration fees are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.