Schedule & Enrollment - fALL 2025
JUNIOR COMPANY II Schedule - Ages 9 - 13
Required Classes: Monday & Thursday.
Monday | 3:40-5:50pm | Hip Hop Choreo (1st hour) & Jazz/Contemporary (2nd hour) | Andy Needham (Hip Hop) & Mack Pereira (Contemporary/Jazz) | 9/8 | |
Thursday | 3:20-4:20pm | Technique: Ballet/Jazz & Hip Hop Freestyle (Alternates Weeks) | Andy Needham (Hip Hop) & Camryn Graves (Technique) | 9/11 | |
JUNIOR COMPANY I Schedule - AGES 14-18
Required Classes: Thursday is mandatory. Wednesday is optional. Enrollment in all classes unlocks all available opportunities.
Wednesday | 4:30 - 5:45pm | Freestyle & Improvisation (includes freeform Contemporary & Street Styles) | Needham & Company | 9/10 | |
Thursday | 4:00 - 7:00pm | Jazz, Contemporary & Hip Hop Choreography | Needham, Thimmaiah, Butnar & Company | 9/11 | |
GOLD ENROLLMENT | ALL CLASSES (4 class hours) | 5 Drop In Classes p/week & additional performances |
SILVER ENROLLMENT | 3 class hours | 2 Drop In Classes p/week |
Musicality & Creation - The first part of class will consist of music instruction, allowing students with musical talents (ie - singing, piano) to cultivate this, create their own score with the goal of dancing to their own music! The main goal is to strengthen the connection to music needed for any high level performers. Singer and Music Director Abby Huskisson will be overseeing the music elements. The second part of class is dance instruction in the form of Contemporary Dance and the Street Styles to further the score they are creating.
Jazz, Contemporary & Hip Hop Choreography - This class focuses on building a choreography in both of these styles. Students will be challenged to learn PMT Dance Company Repertory pieces, originally performed by our professionals.
Technique - These classes are focused on building good foundations through intensive training and application of the fundamentals. Hip Hop Freestyle technique teaches students how to perform Hip Hop in it’s purest and original form - as a freestyle art form. Jazz and Ballet Technique provides traditional training to improve the performance skills of any dancer.
All absences must be excused. Excessive absences are grounds for dismissal from the program, regardless of reason, without refund.
Those opting to perform at the Barclay’s Center or in the PMT Dance Series must attend Tuesday/Thursday & Saturday (when this opportunity is available). Attendance of an optional class may be required as seen fit by the choreographer(s). All students are eligible to perform in the end of season Student Showcase.
Students must meet the skill level requirements/goals set forth by each teacher. Optional classes may become mandatory - upon the teacher’s discretion.
Students have the option to take supplemental classes offered within the program. Additionally, students can take up classes from PMT’s Drop In Class Schedule (see above for exact number, based on enrollment). If required by a teacher, the student may be required to take 1-2 of these classes to aide in their development. Otherwise, they are optional.
Performance Dates
Performance Dates for ALL students:
PMT Fall Dance Series (for JCP I, only) - 11/23
Final Video Project (Subject to student availability)
Sunday 12/14 - Fall Student Showcase
All students must meet the pre-requisite participation & skill requirements to participate in a given performance.
9/23-9/24, 10/2, 10/13, 10/20, 11/4, 11/11, 11/27-11/30
(Dates subject to change - stay posted)
TUITION w/loyalty rewards & EARLY BIRD:*
GOLD ENROLLMENT (15% off Loyalty Rewards):
SILVER ENROLLMENT (15% off Loyalty Rewards):
*Additional 5% off until 12/1!
*Must have enrolled in a FULL SEASON of a PMT Youth Program within the last 2 performance seasons (Spring, Summer or Fall) to qualify for Loyalty Rewards.
GOLD ENROLLMENT (All Classes - 4 class hours):
$1400.00 (Regular Price)
SILVER ENROLLMENT (3 class hours):
$1255.00 (Regular Price)
how To enroll:
Complete the Registration Form and send payment via one of the these options:
Pay via Venmo: Send payment to @pmtdancestudio (verification digits: 2729)
Pay By Phone: Call 212-924-5694 to enroll with a credit card.
Placement is required for entry into this program. The total tuition is due before the start of the season. All checks must be made out to PMT Dance Studio. All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.